When looking to lose weight, nutrition is the absolute key, its the one area that should be really understood and always consistent. That's why when working with me you learn about how food is used by the body and how the macro and nutrient content can help manage your hunger and help you lose body fat.
Meal plans and recipes are provided in various packages I offer. Guidance on how to put together and chose the right foods/meals/snacks and drinks to fit in with your lifestyle , and create a sustainable balance for life.

Calorie Calculator
Not sure where to begin?
Use the free calorie calculator below to give you a basic start point for how many calories you should be consuming per day and find out if you are currently eating too much to too little.
You will need to be logging everything you have eaten and drank over a few days to find out an average intake.
For a more accurate calculation and macronutrient split plus help with all your nutritional needs get in touch.